Rights Center for Freedom of Expression Support condemns the violence that use against demonstrators and calls for the Baghdad operations commander to intervene

  03/08/2019 02:20         Statement         1642   


The Rights Center condemns the violence against peaceful demonstrators, the latest of which was the assault on higher degrees graduates by riot police during their demonstration on Sunday (July 28, 2019) in front of the parliament building, while the Center is to repeat these attacks systematic method and a plan to end the protests.
While the Rights Center has rejected the suppression of demonstrations and protests by higher degrees graduates by members of the riot police and calls for Mr. Jalil al-Rubaie, Baghdad Operations Commander Lieutenant General to direct security forces not to overtake the demonstrators, because they doing their constitutional right to peaceful protest against the lack of employment opportunities, and to take urgent decisions against security forces to break the Constitution and the use of excessive force against demonstrators.
The Rights Center calls on Baghdad Operations Command and the demonstrators to refrain from resorting to violence, because of its negative impact on public property.


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